Talybont - Alltycrib

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NAMHO 2019: Talybont - Alltycrib
Last Updated: 13/06/2019



Accessible underground workings on the Alltycrib Hill are an open gunnis down to the deep adit, Wikinsons Level - an easy walk in but with a winze down through about 180 feet of stope workings, and Myddletons Level. The latter leads to a total collapse at Western Engine shaft but is a fine example of a coffin type level.

A lot about this mine on aditnow



Permission has been obtained to open the forestry barrier for safe off road parking. Please park in designated areas an do not obstruct the track. There is a picnic table at the top of the site adjacent to main parking area.



Deep Adit.

Reasonable SRT down a 55 degree slope for about 50 feet, a short standing traverse to a rebelay, then about 25 feet down a slope to the head of the "Access working". This was dug out by members of WMS in 2005 and consists of concrete steps and short ladders. Partial thigh deep wading in deep adit to reach horse gin, optional deeper water towards the portal. The adit drains through an 8 inch pipe at y Wern where there is no access.

Wikinsons Level. (SELF LEAD)

Easy walk in, very shallow water. level branches with right fork leading to Felix's Shaft, the site of the 1910 working where there was a powered winch. Then eventually a little maze at Steel Ore Lode stopes. Left branch leads through a concrete lined crawl to the run in Western Engine Shaft. A winze on the right is an SRT trip of about 160 feet through stopes . Not on the meets list

Talybont Risk Assessment


Meeting and Parking

Permission has been obtained to open the forestry barrier for off road parking, details below.

Designated parking areas in black. Entry at SN 649 899

No smoking or lighting of fires.

Please observe 15 mph speed limit and stop to allow any horses to pass

No litter please